Financial management can be daunting, to say the least. But the good news is, you don’t have to manage your finances completely on your own. With the right team, getting your financial situation in order can be easy — that’s just our two cents.
Let’s start with busting three common myths from the local experts at Central Bank Wealth Management:
- You don’t need $1 million to start managing your wealth.
- Your situation isn’t too complicated (no matter how many 401k plans you need to consolidate).
- You’re never too young for estate or retirement planning.
If you’re ready to call in the pros, Central Bank Wealth Management’s highly accredited and credentialed team can assess your situation and uncover custom solutions for your unique financial needs.
Even better, you’ll never dial a 1-800 number because Central Bank Wealth Management is 100% local. Lexingtonians can drop by for a face-to-face meeting anytime.
To top it all off, their fee structure is based on a simple principle: They’re successful when you are.
Learn more about Central Bank Wealth Management online or contact Matthew Frank, CFP® at (859) 253-6289. Begin your financial management journey.