Meet the two gurus behind LEXtoday

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Molly (left) + Aaron hanging out with the horses in Thoroughbred Park | Photo by The LEXtoday

The LEXtoday newsletter officially launched over a month ago, so we thought it was about time we said “hey.” 👋

Between the two of us, we get the privilege of sharing the news with 18,000+ of you in Lexington, daily — both through our newsletter + social feeds.

We want to let you know a little bit about us — so you know the team who is working hard to bring you the best hyper-local + positive news about our city.

Meet Aaron 👋

Q: Describe your perfect day in LEX in the length of a Tweet.

A: Start off with a run through Raven Run + then breakfast at Broomwagon with my family. Then we’d hit up Woodland Park before getting in a climbing session at LEF . All that physical activity definitely warrants beers at Rockhouse Brewery .

Q: What were the last 3 things you did downtown?

A: I had coffee at Lussi Brown’s while I wrote a newsletter. I recently took my family to the Halloween + Thriller parade. My wife and I often sneak away to meet up for lunch at downtown spots like DV8 Kitchen or The Southern Deli & Tavern .

Q: Hit us with your favorite piece of local trivia.

A: I love the fact that Lexington was the first city in the nation to enact an Urban Growth Boundary in 1958. It shows our city’s long-standing commitment to preserving our beautiful landscape.

Meet Molly 👋

Q: If you were taking someone on a tour around LEX, where are the three places you’re going?

A: We’d have to take a guided tour at Keeneland . It’s a #MustDo for anyone who visits. Then we’d head to The Summit — they have everything I love in one spot. We’d end the day with live music + arcade games at The Burl .

Q: If you could only write about one LEX-specific topic for the rest of your life, what would it be?

A: The horse industry + horse farms. Not only are they beautiful to see, but I was lucky enough to grow up on one. I’ve loved following the foals — from birth, to the sales ring, to the track. There’s so much that goes into this industry.

Q: What building in LEX do you want to see revitalized + what would you do with it?

A: It’s hard to pick just one, but definitely the old George’s Deli spot — 161 N. Limestone . I’d love to see either a small, health food grocery store or grab + go spot that has all the essentials.


We’re testing your local knowledge — for $25.

We shared our #ProTips about LEX so it’s time to hear about yours. In the spirit of welcoming new faces, share something that you think Lexingtonians should know when first moving to town. We’ll enter your name into a drawing + the winner will receive $25 to a local restaurant, on us.

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Molly is based in Lexington, KY and has worked for a variety of entities including JMI Sports, the Harrodsburg Herald, and the Sports Business Daily. When she’s not writing + editing for LEXtoday, you can find her teaching or practicing yoga or exploring the city with her husband and dog Ziggy.
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