Nowadays, KY Engineerin’ finds himself behind the soundboard in Atlanta working with some of the most prominent hip-hop artists in the world (ever heard of Drake?). But before all of that, he was Finis White, a Lexingtonian who grew up on Winburn Drive with big dreams.
When White temporarily moved back to the city last year, he created the video series, “From Lexington, With Love,” paying tribute what makes our city unique. We spoke with White about the project + what he thinks about Lexington today.
Tell us about about the project and what inspired you?
My mom ended up having surgery in April, so I came up there to take care of her. Over time just being there, I just realized just how different it was from when I grew up.
After spending a few months reacquainting himself with the city, the idea came to him.
I was out on the [walking] trails and... I just kind of fell in love with Lexington all over again.
What surprised you most when you came back?
I think one thing, growing up there as a kid… We didn’t really have a lot of stuff to do. Now, it’s like downtown is the place to be.
Did you take any inspiration back to Atlanta from home?
Definitely. It was kind of like resetting my mind, body, spirit, and soul.
When I got back, I just kind of took it like — maybe you don’t have to always be in a rush all the time. Sit back, let things come to you, and drink some bourbon every once in a while.
How would you describe Lexington, or all of Kentucky’s, hip-hop sound?
When people ask me what Kentucky is, they say “Is it the South? Is it the Midwest?” And really, it’s both of them. We’re literally a blend of all of these different influences from other places, and we take it + make it our own thing.