Halloween Candy Check

Stay safe and be sure to check your Halloween candy before consumption.


Be careful, you never know what you will find in your Halloween candy. | Graphic by LEXtoday

Halloween can be such a fun + festive holiday for children and adults alike, but you do have to be careful.

Be safe out there, and make sure to do a candy check this Halloween. 🍫

For instance, be on the lookout for these items that Lexingtonians can’t stand:

🍫 If Christian Laettner pops up unsolicited, throw the candy away immediately.

🍫 Even though it’s been gone for some time now, reports have been circulating that the dreaded downtown pit has been getting lodged inside select candies.

🍫 And last, but certainly not least, there are rumors that Tennessee fans have been plotting to place Volunteer flags inside candy bars.

Stay safe, Lexington. And Happy Halloween.

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