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City Council adds public input opportunity

Formal city council meetings now have two chances for public input, one for topics related to the agenda + one for non-agenda topics.

LFUCG Government Center

The Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Center Photo by Amy Wallot

Held on Thursdays at 6 p.m., formal Lexington-Fayette Urban County Council meetings have traditionally included only one opportunity for public input — at the end of the meetings, after council members had already voted on the day’s topics.

Starting January 2025, the meetings will offer residents a second opportunity for public input, this time near the start of each meeting. Residents in attendance may make agenda-specific comments, preceding any council member readings + votes.

The traditional time for comments at the close of public meetings will now be reserved exclusively for the discussion of topics not mentioned on the agenda.

Can’t make it to meetings? Your voice can still be heard through the city’s platform, Engage Lexington.

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