In today’s competitive job market, the benefits offered by a business are crucial to employee recruitment and retention — and a robust 401(k) plan is a great differentiator. That’s where Central Bank Wealth Management† can step in and help support your business.
Their retirement plan experts, Sheila Parks and Terri Shaw, act as your relationship managers, working with human resources or your office manager to help educate your employees about the value of your 401(k) program.
Most importantly, they make the process easy and convenient. Not only are they available in-person and by phone, but they’ll also connect you with a world-class retirement platform for easy access to plan information for both you + your employees.
If you’re interested in learning more about Central Bank Wealth Management’s unique local approach to retirement planning and wealth management services, visit them online or contact Matthew Frank, CFP® at (859) 253-6289. Begin your retirement planning journey.
† Disclosure: Wealth Management Services are provided by Central Bank & Trust Co. CBIA, Inc. dba Central Insurance Services (CIS) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Central Bank & Trust Co. Insurance products, investment products and securities. NOT FDIC Insured | NOT Guaranteed by the Bank | MAY Lose Value | NOT Insured by any Federal Government Agency | NOT a Deposit | Subject to Risk