This Saturday, March 16 is National Freedom of Information Day, which aims to shine a light on the importance of open communication + the public’s right to have access to information. With it alsobeing National Civic Learning Week, we’re helping you stay in the know by breaking down how to get involved with our local government. Pro tip: Track your progress by checking off some of those CivicLex bingo squares.
How to participate
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government (LFUCG) does its part by making sure all meetings — including in-person and virtual committee + work sessions — are open to the public.
- In person: Second floor of City Hall, 200 E. Main St.
- Online: LexTV
- Broadcast: Spectrum Channel 185 or Metronet Channel 3
Don’t have time to attend or sit through the meeting? You can also read through agendas + minutes from various committees, boards, and commissions.
If you’re looking to be even more involved, check out our piece on board + commission vacancies.
Upcoming meetings
- 9 a.m. | Police & Fire Pension Board
- 10:30 a.m. | Tree Board
- 11:30 a.m. | Commission on Veterans’ Affairs
- 1:30 p.m. | Homelessness Prevention & Intervention Board
- 3 p.m. | Rural Land Management Board’s Ordinance Review Committee
- 4:30 p.m. | Raven Run Citizens Advisory Board
- 1:30 p.m. | Planning Commission - Subdivision Items
- No meetings
As always, you can find the calendar of LFUCG events and meetings online. While we’re talking civics, we want to know what other topics you’d like us to cover when it comes city government. Think: Committee explanations, who’s who, and budget talks.
Share your thoughts in our survey.